Enabling your people to connect to your business vision and working environment
Empowering your people to collaborate and innovate to delight your customers
Energising your people to contribute to your commercial performance
Transform your business
In the past thirty years, the rate of change in business has increased 12-fold and there is no sign of that slowing down. In fact the opposite is true.
Isoma makes change work
As companies respond to the increasing rate of competitive threats by piling on yet more change, their employees are expected to respond ever quicker with new ideas, new initiatives and continual process improvement.
So it is no surprise that business leaders cite their ability to sustain a continuous improvement culture as their most prominent operational excellence challenge for 2019/2020. This is where Isoma comes in…
Demonstrate the commercial impact of Quality
Download our free white paper to discover how to inspire a Quality culture
30 years ago the largest companies typically had only one or two simultaneous enterprise-wide change initiatives; today, that number is 20 to 25.
Society of Human Resource Management, 2018
Isoma simplifies Change Management
Isoma is designed to accelerate the change to a continuous improvement culture by providing an out-of-the-box Change Management System, ready to go live with your own operational data in just 60 days.
One system for all your needs
No more cobbling together in-house systems with SharePoint, Visio and bits of string. Use Isoma to simplify, systemise and speed up the adoption of change in your organisation. It has all the functionality and content you need and it’s ready to use immediately. All you have to do is use it.
See how Isoma works →
See up to 30% more new sources of value
Up to 50% higher customer satisfaction
Harness the power of your people
By cleverly connecting your people, your business vision and your working environment, Isoma ensures that your business improvement goal can be fully achieved.
Isoma engages people
Through more effective collaboration, Isoma improves innovation and optimises your people’s contribution to customer satisfaction and commercial performance.
Together, Isoma enables continuous improvement to become the lifeblood of your business.
Contact us today →